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Navigating Thyroid Health: Lifestyle Changes for a Balanced Life.

Carrie Rose

In the U.S. nearly 5% of Americans are dealing with low thyroid function, with women 5-8 times more likely to develop hypothyroidism compared to men. Australia is following suit, as it generally does, with statistics showing that well over 1 million Australians may be living with an undiagnosed thyroid disorder.

I am seeing adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism more and more with clients these days, especially women. It is honestly a thyroid rollercoaster As someone who has had, and is still battling Hypothyroidism, I can honestly say that changing lifestyle habits, tweaking the food we eat and HOW we eat is so beneficial in the management of this condition. I really notice now more than ever, that when my capacity to handle stress is challenged, the bad habits return and my thyroid quietly reminds me to start looking after myself again... it is a journey.

If you are in your later years of life, or you have an existing autoimmune condition like type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or celiac disease, please read on, as you may be at a higher risk of a low functioning thyroid as well. Our thyroid produces hormones that are crucial to the process of turning the nutrients we get from our food into the energy that our body uses to function, playing a major role in our metabolism. Thyroid dysfunction has a flow on effect to nearly every other organ system in our body, including our cardiovascular system, digestion and immunity.

Some symptoms might include:

Low energy and fatigue

Depression, low mood, anxiety

Weight gain or weight loss

Issues with fertility

Difficulty in controlling body temperature


Muscle aches

Kidney issues

Joint inflammation

Hair loss

Dry and cracked skin

Breathing difficulties

Changes in the menstrual cycle

Lower immune function resulting in more illnesses like colds and flu

Development of a Goiter

Yep, who would have thought all this is connected?

Poor diet and lifestyle choices, including lack of exercise can really impact the way our hormones behave as well as damaging our gut health. While genetics can factor in here, as a health practitioner I am more interested in epigenetics - our genes hold the gun, and our lifestyle pulls the trigger. Stress, alcohol, drugs and certain medications, lack of sleep, our digestion and microbiome, our brain health ALL play a role in our thyroid health.

If you suspect you have a low functioning thyroid, then it is important to seek the support of your doctor or trusted health practitioner. There are additional tests you can ask for, other than the usual TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) test. A full thyroid profile, including thyroid hormones T4, T3 and the thyroid antibodies can reveal more of the story.

The “normal” range for TSH levels in your returned pathology test sits between 0.4–4.0 milliunits per liter (mU/l). Someone with TSH levels of 0.4 will most likely look and feel very different to someone coming in at a level of 4 or more, something to ponder. Also consider that our body is dynamic, our TSH levels change daily so my personal opinion remains that it is about how the person FEELS. What are their symptoms.

Some functional support for your thyroid might include:


Drinking clean, filtered water is best. Hydration on a cellular level supports improved digestion, improved mood and energy, supports your detoxification pathways, cardiovascular health, immunity.... so much more. Cravings? Sometimes those cravings will just go away with a nice drink of clean water. It could be you are just thirsty. DRINK! Most of us are dehydrated on the daily.


Sustainably sourced "happy" produce. Meat, eggs, poultry and fish… Focusing on wild caught, pasture raised, grass fed here, these are not only a wonderful sources of protein, but also have greater levels of omega 3 fatty acids essential for our thyroid and general hormone function. As do flaxseeds, chia and hemp seeds, which wonderful added to smoothies and salads. Coconut oil is another wonderful fat that provides medium-chain fatty acids to support metabolism and increased energy. Edible seaweeds like wakame are a natural source of iodine, and foods high in probiotics like kefir, kombucha, fermented veges and even coconut yoghurt are highly beneficial for our gut health. Brazil nuts are a rich source of selenium (although it depends on the mineral quality in the soil they are grown in). Eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables, as well as high fibre foods support your energy, blood sugar regulation and those darn cravings by keeping you fuller for longer. These foods also support the body to eliminate waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Backed up? Constipation is on the list of symptoms! Look for foods in the Clean 15 list and buy organic from the Dirty Dozen list.


Move your body regularly and also find time in your day to manage any stress that pops up, go for a walk, talk to a friend, meditate, read a great book. Find your calm.

What should we avoid for our thyroid health?


There are certain foods called Goitrogens, and when eaten in large amounts can impact thyroid function in those people who have a thyroid condition. Foods in the Brassica family of vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower in particular are ones to consider. Just be mindful to always cook them, and don’t eat bucket loads of them!


Stay away! Fluoride is a hormone distruptor and chlorine can inhibit iodine absorption which is vital for the thyroid.

GLUTEN should be avoided as it is highly inflammatory and contributes to leaky gut, which fuels food intolerance, digestive upset and exacerbates the symptoms of autoimmune conditions. Many people unknowingly have a sensitivity to gluten. How do you feel after eating bread or pasta? Tired? Moody? Farty?

SUGAR and highly refined carbohydrates can cause hormonal imbalances through blood sugar highs and crashes. This impacts energy, weight, digestion and fuels the stress “fight or flight’ response.

DAIRY today is very different to how it used to be. It is highly processed, and many nutrients are largely destroyed during pasteurization and homogenization, with an end product that can trigger inflammation. If you love milk you could try A2 milk (organic) where only the A2 casein protein is present. The structure of A2 protein is said to be more comparable to human breast milk, as well as milk from goats and sheep. Many say it is easier on the digestive system. In general though, dairy is a usual suspect for inflammation. Nut milks these days are everywhere but just beware as canola oil, vegetable and sunflower oil are common ingredients and are highly processed and highly inflammatory.

Processed foods in general are difficult for the body to digest. Much of the manufactured foods these days contain chemical concoctions, preservatives and hydrogenated (trans) fats which our bodies do not recognise as foods.

I hope this helps you to understand how hormone dysregulation and a low functioning thyroid can really make us feel subhuman, and that it is not our thyroid's fault, generally there is a whole lot of other stuff going on!

As an FNTP, finding out WHY an organ is in dysfunction is my jam. Supporting to balance the body from a cellular level can evoke phenomenal change from within, it is quite profound to see what big shifts can happen with small changes.

For a more intimate look at your inner health, book a FREE discovery call today to learn more about Functional testing with the GI MAP or a Functional Clinical Assessment, both of which can uncover some interesting insights into how your hormones are working - or not working for you.

Yours in health


Carolyn Dimmock

Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner [FNTP]

Restorative Wellness Practitioner [RWP] – Gut Health

PSYCH-K® Facilitator

+61 474 243 388


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